Visit Bee My Honey!
Available Activities:
What's the Buzz?Note: Presentations resume on May 1, 2025.
What's the Buzz? Presentation: A FUN and Educational presentation about honeybees, honey and pollination. We dress your favorite adult in a bee suit (makes a great photo op!) explain the tools of the trade, learn about the 3 types of bees in each colony, and enjoy raw, unfiltered local honey. 45-60 Minutes. Educational content geared to Ages 3 through Adult. Activities: Includes Honey Tasting (Several Floral Varieties) Honeycomb Candle Making (no heat required) Beekeeper Dress-up (audience volunteer) PRICING: 1-9 Guests $30 per person, Minimum 2 persons. 10-15 Guests: $25 each. Children 2 and Under are FREE. Tour includes take-home literature with honey recipes included. Call (305) 323-2363 to find out more and Book Your Date! How It All Began!
It all started with the bees! When we heard about Colony Collapse Disorder decimating honeybee populations worldwide, we decided to DO something! We wanted to become "foster parents" and have a hive or two. We never spray our property, so we knew the bees would have a safe haven. We've battled the neighbors, the county, zoning, and the law. And we won, making front page news. Twice. Making Exotic & Unique Nectar If we planted exotic tropical trees, we reasoned, the resulting nectar would make our honey tasty & unique. Right? The bees agreed! And so it was! What You'll See When You Visit! Remember that old song about "the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees?" That about sums it up! There's plenty to taste and lots to learn! You'll meet the loyal members of our family flock. They work hard, aerating soil, weeding, fertilizing and providing insect control, and yes, laying plenty of eggs & providing endless amusement. Our birds live loving & blissful lives eating organic plants and table scraps and never experience the torturous suffering that is the plight of factory farmed birds. What About the Bees? We don't like to bother them when we have company. They're busy working & don't wish to be disturbed. They are however, a central talking point of our program! You'll learn how they live, what the Queen does, what the workers do, what male bees don't do (Work! or Sting!). You'll find out how honey is made. If you like we'll dress a member of your group up in a bee suit, and show you the tools of the trade. And don't forget the HONEY! You'll taste several different kinds. You'll leave knowing more about sustainable agriculture and why bees matter than you ever imagined! Call (305) 323-2363 for more information. Or email |
Bee My Honey LLC 27440 SW 165th Ave. Redland, FL 33031 (305) 323-2363